Friday, December 21, 2007

The Wannarkas Come For A Visit

Emily and her children Caleb (6) and Alayna (2) came to visit this morning. It was great to see them as we hadn't seen them in over a year given the purchase and renovation of their new home and Em's recent health issues. As we were talking, it kind of made me sad realizing that things have sure changed -- we used to be able to sit and chat and get details about so many things and now with 4 kids around, we couldn't talk for 2 minutes without being interrupted. Most of the time I had to keep my boys from stealing toys away, hitting (Liam seems to have begun the hitting stage at 18 1/2 months whereas Connell was 20 months when he started) or I was trying to discipline them. Those of you who know my boys probably know what it was like. I have known Em for about 27 years now and so it's always fun to get together and chat.

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