Saturday, December 8, 2007

Karaoke Machine Fun...

A few minutes ago I dug a sealed kiddy Karaoke Machine out of my closet that I remember buying for about $5. at Petter's Warehouse Direct when I was pregnant with Connell. It looks pretty sharp, but is pretty basic and clearly only worth about the $5. that I paid. Anyway, the boys are having a blast with it -- getting the CDs to go in and out and then singing through the microphone which really amplified voices through a small speaker. I actually brought it out as a new toy for the boys to play with so that I can run out to the store for an hour or two, but I am afraid that they will have it broken before I even finish posting this.

1 comment:

Lucky Voice said...

Lucky Voice offers affordable Karaoke machine which is perfect way to keep the kids occupied at parties, and this little karaoke machine is sure to get them in the party spirit. Visit us today at