Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Happy Birthday, Jesus" Party at Preschool

This morning we had Connell's holiday party which the preschool calls a "Happy Birthday, Jesus Party". Liam didn't want to sit still so I chased him around the church most of the time. Connell did really well with his singing and actions. It was really cute. Daddy even took time off from work to come videotape it.

We have been very impressed with the organization of the St. John Neumann preschool program. The director has been there for 11 years and so she really does a nice job. We have appreciated how understanding the staff has been with Connell's food allergies as they keep in touch with me often regarding them. The director called me the night before last to see what she could buy for Connell to eat at the party since he couldn't have the cake. There was a whole package of Golden Oreos on the counter behind the cake for him -- although we only let him have 4.

Note...Liam's injury is a result of running into a small hamburger stool in the McDonald's play area yesterday.

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