Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Eve

The boys wore their Christmas/snowflake sweaters (thrift store specials) and got ready to go to Owatonna for the get-togethers. We spent several hours at my mom and dad's house with my parents and also Aunt Neysa and Great Uncle Paul before going to my mom's brother's house a few blocks down the road for the evening. The boys were thrilled with their kitchen set and extras that they got down there! The festivities there didn't really start until 6 pm and since the boys have been going to bed around 6 pm or 6:30 pm lately, they were both very whiny (mostly Liam) until we left at 8:30. It was a very difficult evening trying to socialize with anyone with Liam crying most of the 3 hours that we were there. For any Wacek family member who is reading this blog, I apologize for my sons' behavior and am sorry that I didn't get to chat more.

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