Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas with Ray's Dad's Family

We went up to Little Falls on Saturday the 29th to co-celebrate (is that a word?) Christmas with Ray's dad's family and also Ray's dad's 54th birthday. We had a wonderful meal and opened presents and played a few games and chatted. Liam especially liked being pushed around in a cardboard box like a little wagon/sled.

The pictures show Ray's dad (Charlie) and wife, Karon. You can also see Ray's sister (Christine) and then her husband (Chris) and their two children - Trent and Nichole. Ray's grandma Hagen is in one of them as well. Since I was sitting right next to cousin Jeff, I didn't manage to get him in any pictures. There were 12 of us -- the four of us, the four Albrights, Charlie/Karon and Grandma/Jeff.

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