Friday, May 21, 2010

It's back to work I go...

I was at RHS this past week working with Cristina whose French classes I will be taking over in the fall. She attempted to do a "crash course" in using all the new technology in addition to walking me through the new curriculum. I will have three different preps next year -- French I, French III & Spanish I and combined with having brand new textbooks since I left -- it is all very overwhelming. I left with all three texts in hand so I have been paging through and thinking about how they compare to the old ones. Next step will be to have Ray get the myriad of Banker's boxes down from the top shelves of the garage so that I can leaf through each and either recycle, toss or save for next year. It's a big project since I had collected lots of stuff in the 10 years I taught prior to having the boys. So I am in "gearing up for teaching" mode right now although there is only so much I can do at this stage in the game. I'm super excited to go back especially after seeing my classroom and paging through the books and remembering all the little tricks I used to teach (mnemonic devices, etc.) in addition to thinking about the fun activities I used to do with the kids. In about 3 months, the boys will start going to daycare and I will be back at it fulltime!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Wow! I'm sure you'll do fantastic. Good luck!