Monday, May 3, 2010

May is here

Over the weekend Ray was able to do some fixing of my bike (yes, the one I purchased back in 1997 and haven't been on in years because the tire doesn't hold air despite changing the innertube). I rode it a 2-3 miles yesterday with the boys (it's great now that both boys are without training wheels and both on big bikes -- they can go as fast as I can although it take a little more pedaling for them) As long as we stay on the paths and on the lesser-traveled roads and they follow closely behind, it works out well and opens up lots of possibilities for the summer.

This week is a little less busy than normal because Liam only has one day of preschool, I don't have my Tues morn church group and our normal playdate Friday friends have other plans. I am trying to take advantage of the time to do a little organizing around the house and catch up on a few projects. We'll see if that happens though.

I did take on a big task last week. The coordinator for the written French contest in our state (she took over this year) asked if I could help her to print the certificates for the students. I told her I could and although it was very confusing (different percentages get different certificates), I managed to get about 700-800 certificates printed (and hopefully on the correct certificates!) and organized by school.

There is also a big saga going on with the oral French contest that I had been hoping to give up this year. There are two proposals so is a pair of women who work for a student/teacher travel organization with trips to France -- they would co-coordinate. The other is a colleague of mine who would take over provided that I would co-coordinate the first year with her. We'll see if more people step forward with proposals before late August when the AATF-MN Board will vote.

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