Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Church programs come to an end...

Today was my last CAPstone session (Catholic Parents group). I was a little sad since I have been involved in this ministry for 5 years now with the final two in the role of prayer facilitator. We painted flower pots and planted flowers as our final craft project. I felt compelled to use my favorite color of purple although I wasn't very precise in my painting. It turned out cute enough and Liam keeps telling Connell that it is HIS! I am passing on the role of prayer facilitator to Marlene Hoffman who is a friend outside of church and who I got involved in CAPstone in the first place a few years ago! So it's fun to hand it all on to someone I know. I also am scheduled to be a presenter for the group next February 1st and so I will be back once to see everyone.

Last Thursday was my final Bible Study which I was involved in for 3 years. There will still be a 7 week summer session that takes a different focus and will be a different group of participants, so it won't be the same. But I did present at Bible Study about 4 times per year (either a Bible Background presentation or Gospel reflection) and so I used it to practice getting back into teaching!

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