Monday, May 24, 2010

Stomach bug hits the house

Last week I didn't feel so well and ended up throwing up once and then just felt yucky for a few days. Well, Saturday late afternoon Connell started throwing up and continued for about 12 hours and then was pretty fatigued and recovering for another 12 hours. As soon as he was back to normal, Liam started. Liam also threw up for about 12 hours (although he is not as neat and tidy about it as Connell is) and I hope that right now he is in the recovering stage. He missed his preschool program because of it which was a little sad. Here are photos of both in their times of illness. Liam was trying to stay cool on the couch (with towel underneath since he never makes it to the bathroom) and bowl as well. Connell was so wiped that he fell asleep on the couch and somehow it reminded me of a photo from his first 2 weeks of life. What do you think?

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