Friday, July 17, 2009

Scrapping Away

Well, as of this morning I counted 49 pages that I have "scrapped" this past week. I am caught up with all the photos that I have gotten prints of, so I have to take a break. So far I have 189 pages since I was pregnant in spring of '04. I am going to put a few of the recent ones I put together to show you (since many of you will never see my scrapbooks in person). And yes, I was over a year and a half behind -- these boys take too much of my time!

Keep in mind that I am a very simple scrapbooker -- with few embellishments and very simple pages with items purchased at the Dollar Tree/Walmart since I just can't drop tons of time or money into it. I had to take the pictures off-center in order to avoid the flash appearing on the pages -- these are all 12 X 12 pages in actuality.

Our Family --

Christmas of '07 --

Professional Photos from Summer of '08 --

Scooters and Bikes from '08 --

Liam's 3rd Birthday ---

Connell's 4th Birthday ---

Mega Messes --

Fire Engine Park --

Splashing at the Kelley Park --

Liam moves to a "Big Kid Bed" --

Bagging Leaves with the Neighbors --

Captain Hook and Peter Pan for Halloween --

Smile! --

Loving Brothers --

Fishing at Cobblestone Lake --

Sledding in Winter of '07-'08

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