Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dad is in the hospital

My dad had a bad week feeling awful and with a cough that my mom described as the worst he has ever had in the 40 years she has been with him. Last Sunday she took him to urgent care, but they only came home with some prescription pills to help the cough. Apparently they thought he had a virus and so they couldn't give him anything more for it. Well, Tuesday came and not only did the pills not work, but the side effects were unbearable and he was feeling worse. So mom took him to the ER that day and he was prescribed an antibiotic and some cough medicine with Codeine. He gave that a few days to work, but was still feeling awful and so Friday mom took him back to the emergency room. They admitted him to the hospital. Since my mom has laryngitis and can't talk, I had to get some of this information through my sister who was trying to take mom's whispers and translate through the phone. That's pretty much all I know for the moment.

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