Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our Week

Well, Connell started attending Bridge to School this week M-Th from 8-12 at our neighborhood elementary school. It will last for 3 weeks. It is a program designed for kids who need a transition before starting kindergarten. Due to Connell's late summer birthday (and the fact that he will be one of the youngest in his class), we thought that it would help with any immaturity he has in sitting still and following directions, etc. He seems to enjoy it. It's exciting for him because I get to drive up and drop him off at the sidewalk and he gets to walk in and down to his room like a big boy! He's wearing size 12 tennis shoes and they measured him at 45 inches (although it sounds like he was wearing shoes at the time because the doctor had him barefooted just under 44 inches in June). Connell told me that his friend August is the tallest at Bridge to School at 46 inches and so it sounds like Connell fits right in with his height/build. Within the first 3 days they were already doing graphing of information and writing letters and singing about the months of the year and so it is a nice mix of activities for him. Academics are right up Connell's alley and so there is nothing more that he would prefer doing during his summer!

Liam is home with me for those 4 hours that Connell is gone. We have our Playgroup in the Park two days a week and Bible Study one morning so it is still pretty busy. His potty training took an unfortunate turn for the worse this week and since he was doing excellent for several weeks, we attribute some of the problem to the big change in our schedule and Connell being absent. Hopefully it is only temporary and he gets his act together because his attendance at preschool starting the second week of September is depending on it!

We plan to buy a new car this Saturday to replace the Prizm which just turned 10 years old last week and is almost to 100,000 miles. We have recently put new tires and rims on it and it needs a new battery and we simply don't want to be concerned with all the maintenance (and money) that it will require from this point on. Ray has been investigating the Pontiac Vibe and the Ford Focus and since he will be driving the new car to work every day, I trust that he will pick something that will be perfect for that task.

I have been a scrapbooking fool lately. When I discovered that I was years behind in my books, I started organizing my photos and decided that I had to get back with it. I set up a card table in the living room and have pretty much trained the boys to leave it alone and I try to do a few pages during the day and evening. I suspect that within a week I will be all caught up. But don't forget that I am not your typical scrapbooker --- I do not put tons of money into embellishments and stickers and scrapbook supplies. I get a lot of my scrapbooking purchases at the Dollar Tree, Walmart and also at Joann's when things are on sale. My pages are very simple, but that is how I am so they fit my personality perfectly and I am usually happy with what I come up with. The boys have enjoyed looking back at all the pages I made from their births and on. I have about 160 pages that I have done since I was pregnant with Connell and I know many ladies that literally have thousands and so I "pick and choose" the events and moments that I scrapbook related to the boys.

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