Sunday, July 26, 2009

Camping, Fishing and Downpours - oh, my!

Saturday we were invited by our friends (they asked to remain quite anonymous so we will just call them "Jennifer" and "Richard") to join them at a campground near Cannon Falls (there is a regional park there). Although we were initially invited to camp overnight with them, we declined as the last thing on my list of things to do is to sleep outside in a tent. So they continued with their family's plans to spend the entire weekend -- with the Hagens simply joining in on Saturday's festivities.

Well, Friday evening they called our house to inform us that upon arrival at the campground that their reservation was no where to be found! So they had to pack back up and head back to the Cities with their daughter feeling more than a little disappointed (we will call her "Amy"). Despite the obvious setback, both families mutually decided to continue with the Saturday plans.

So Saturday morning we drove down to Cannon Falls and drove into the parking lot only to get out and feel it was quite chilly and windy. The temperature was in the 60s and quite windy and none of us were really dressed for it. The kids ran around for a while near the picnic bench and I wrapped myself in a blanket to keep warm! There were plans to go fishing and canoeing and enjoy the day nonetheless.

Periodically the sun would peek out and it felt a little warmer and so finally we all ventured out to go fishing. Oops -- no worms (Ray had forgotten to pick some up before we left the Cities) and so Richard and Ray took a ride to town to Al's Bait Shop which was simply inside a local guy's garage. The fishing went ok although the kids were all pretty restless and impatient. Amy actually caught a fish (a sucker as Ray identified it) and it was her first fishing experience ever! Did I mention that Amy was scared to death of the fish as it flopped around as you might be able to sense from the photo?

Next we took turns going out in Richard's beautifully handcrafted canoe. Jennifer and Richard were kind enough to take our boys out and they came back describing the boys as being a little "wiggly". I even had a turn. Unfortunately Ray and Richard were over the weight limit so that combo didn't work out. The kids wanted to keep going out.

Then it happened. There were some darker clouds to the north. We figured that we probably had to start heading back before the rain -- but it was too late! The winds picked up and it started to downpour as Richard went out with Liam and Amy in the canoe. Ray, Connell, Jennifer and I took off running in the pouring rain to head for cover. We could see the canoe being blown across the water in the high winds! As the 4 of us got to the car and threw our belongings in, Amy's beach ball took off in the wind and both Jennifer and Ray took off running after it. Ray caught it after running about a quarter of the length of a football field!

We drove up to shore to see that the canoe had gone ashore at the opposite side of the lake. So the 4 of us split between two cars to drive the many miles around the lake to rescue the others. By this point the rain had stopped and the sun started to peek out again. As we arrived on the other side --- we saw no sign of the canoe nor its three passengers. In a panic, Jennifer and I started to ask some of the people if they had seen the canoe and they had stated that it went back as soon as the rain stopped. So we got back into the cars, and around to the other side to find everyone safe and sound. Whew!

So then we continued by having a grilled supper and talking about the adventure on the high seas. Liam had a blast pretending he was a pirate and wasn't even scared given the high winds, pouring rain and quick change in course. Thankfully...

All in all it was a wonderful first camping experience for us. I guess maybe you can't call it camping because we didn't stay overnight, but we sure roughed it (used a portable potty), did some canoeing and fishing and battled the harsh weather conditions. So there you have it.

Thanks to "Jennifer", "Richard" and "Amy" for the good company and meal.

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