Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Low in Parenting...

Ok, so I think that I have hit a new low in parenting. After counting the days until preschool starts (only 50 left) and realizing that Liam is SO sporadic in his potty training, I decided that I have $190. at stake here and need to do something (the $70. deposit and $120. first month's tuition - neither of which is refundable if I drop Liam).

So I took Liam out to Toys R Us this morning (something I vowed I would never do with either boy) and let him fall in love with some toys. I bought them and now they adorn the top of the entertainment center waiting for some strides in potty training. I think tonight we will all need to sit down and figure out how many dry days it will take to earn each toy (there are some matchbox cars and some individual Thomas the Train cars that run $5.99/ea and then the grand daddy of them all -- some humongous ramp thing for the Thomas set that was $40.!!!!!) I figured that although I am usually not a gambling woman that in this case, I was willing to spend the $70. or whatever in order not to lose my $190. in the end! I have kept the receipt (it's taped to the ramp thing) and they will take returns for 90 days. If I lose my $190., then the Thomas stuff is going back and at least I won't lose all $70. of that!

There -- I said it. Now Liam just needs to get his act together. There's something wrong with a boy who is just on the cusp of riding a big two-wheeled bike with no training wheels and yet so inconsistent in his potty training!

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