Thursday, August 28, 2008

Teething Is Now Completed!

I couldn't be happier to report that with the breaking through of the sides of Liam's last 2 yr molar in the last few days, we are now done teething with both boys for several years now. I constantly mention that teething was one of the surprises of parenthood for me --- or that my boys were poor teethers (or a combination of both!) Even though we instilled great sleeping habits in our boys from the age of a few months, every time new teeth were hurting them, we would have night wakings or need to give Tylenol. It was very frustrating to have the interruptions every few months. And then I always had the excuse of "I think he's teething" when one of them was crabby or behaving poorly in public. We can proudly say that the boys have now cut 40 teeth! Here is Liam showing off his pearly whites...

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