Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rainy Day

Of course our "playgroup in the park" got rained out today and so we have been housebound. I took out the Lite Brite Cube that I had purchased years ago and was looking for the perfect day to introduce it to the kids. Connell absolutely loved it! He chose to start with a cat and it took him 50 minutes to get all the pegs in just right. I knew that he would love following the code ("V" means to put in a voilet peg and "G" means to put in a green peg, etc.) What seemed to be a nice quiet activity in my mind turned out to be a little obnoxious as he talked through every move he made... "This is a "P" which means I am going to put in a pink peg. Where is a pink peg? Oh, here it is! Mom, next I need to find an orange peg. This one isn't orange - it's red...." (you get the picture). My head was spinning by the time he was done and I kept trying to tune him out. Liam wasn't very interested in the activity, but sure got his share of pegs all over the floor (it starts with 400 pegs and so I will have to keep you posted with how many get vacuumed up, etc.) All in all it brings back memories from about 25-30 years ago when Neysa and I played with Lite Brite and really loved it.

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