Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Staged Guests

Since it was our usual "playgroup in the park" day and we don't do regular parties for our kids (by choice), we didn't really advertise that it was Connell's birthday and just surprised the guests instead of Connell. That way we avoid getting presents (for the most part) and it's an added element of fun for the kids. Here are the kids who ended up attending the "party" that "birthday boy Connell" knew about, but they did not!

Here are the guests in order of the photos above....1) Liam of course 2) siblings Maddie and Noah 3) sisters Elena and Carmen 4) sisters Sarah and Kaiya 5) siblings baby Grace and Alex 6) brothers Nathan and baby Nicholas (with mom, Katie) 7) Amy 8) siblings Brooke and Riley

Unfortunately siblings Jack and Kirsten had a lunch date and had to leave before the cake was served and therefore didn't get into any of my photos.

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