Monday, August 18, 2008

Big Boy Bed

Since Liam was continuously crawling out of his portable crib (Pack 'N Play), we felt that it was time to move him into a big bed. He certainly got out with much more grace than Connell ever did, but since he was longer than the crib was long and it wasn't really necessary to keep him in the small Pack 'n Play, we bought a bed set this weekend for him. He seems to like it. It helped that I put on sheets with cars and trucks (police cars and fire engines, etc.) since he is our kid that is interested in vehicles. We moved Connell into a big bed at 2 yrs 7 months and here Liam is only 2 yrs 2 1/2 months. So as adventurous as Connell was as a toddler (for those of you who know him, you know what I mean), Liam beats Connell in that category. In fact, while still in his Pack 'n Play the other day, Liam climbed out, opened his door, went downstairs into the living room and was looking for me! This was at 6:05 am while it was still dark all through the house and it didn't even faze him. I was amazed as I was still in our bedroom and had a slight sense that something was going on. Now we have the heavy duty baby proof contraption on his door knob so that he will be confined to his room until I get him at 6:10 am.

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