Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daddy Comes Home!

OK - So I asked Clare if it was alright if I actually updated the blog today. Over the past week you've all read that I've been gone for a week, so I thought I'd tell a bit about my travels.

My company is attempting to land new clients for my products in Europe and South America. I began the week by flying out on Sunday night and arriving in Madrid, Spain Monday afternoon. Madrid was a nice city, very modern and much more clean than I had envisioned. As this was a business trip, there was not a lot of time to see the sites while in Madrid. I participated in meetings Tuesday and Wednesday, then flew out Thursday morning to Budapest, (pron. "Buda-pesht") Hungary for a meeting with a customer that afternoon.

Budapest is a beautiful, old city on the Danube river in East Central Europe. The picture is of historic Budapest before sunset. I took the picture from on top of a hill that overlooks the city. It was a breath taking view. Budapest used to be two cities, one 'Buda,' one Pesht, on each side of the river. They built the first bridge across the river 150 years ago and the two cities became one. Funny that bridge is still there over 150 years later and has not fallen down. My colleague from Hungary was a great host, taking me in my limited time to see the city, then to a traditional Hungarian restaurant for dinner. The food is alot like the comfort food I grew up on, lots of stews and soups.

Then Friday morning I got back on the plane and flew home. All in all it was an exhausting trip, covering 24 hours on a plane and 11,000 miles. It was good to be back home again to see Clare and the boys and try to recover from the week.


Clint Hagen said...

Cool! Good to hear you had a good safe trip.

Corene said...

Gorgeous! I bet it was hard for you, Clare, to sit at home with Ray in Europe....