Monday, April 14, 2008

Remnants of the Contest

Despite the problems that I had for weeks leading up to my French contest, the day actually went pretty well. Sometimes the day ends up with its share of problems, but I guess I dealt with most things in advance this year. I could literally feel the stress gone from my shoulders by Friday am and then by Saturday I was totally back to normal. I still have some tasks to do (pack everything and organize it for next year, do some write-ups for publications with summaries and results, etc.), but the bulk of it is behind me once again. Since I haven't really had time to spend much time with the boys (not to mention taking photos for the blog), I took this picture as they nosed into my contest certificate stars. I assisted in putting the stars on their faces for the photo :-)

Liam somehow cut two of his 2 yr molars in the last week or so while I was too busy to even check. Hooray! Only two more teeth left (his top two molars) and then we will have 40 total teeth between the boys and a few years of no teething for either!

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