Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Contest Headaches

With my French contest only 2 days away, I am stressed beyond belief. Ray has not seen me this upset over the contest in years (and I have been doing it for 12 years and also haven't felt this tense over things -- even the two years that I was VERY pregnant during all the hoopla). The main problem I have found this year is that every teacher is making at least 1-3 small errors, but since there are 25+ schools involved -- that creates 25-75 errors for me to fix up for them! Each of them thinks that their little "error/s" is/are just that (minor!) and that they are really sorry that it/they occurred. I have everything from problems in meeting deadlines, incorrect names given to me, groups regrouping 3 days before the contest, errors in categories, entire schools canceling on me now (without having paid!). I will not even break even this year due to the smaller group of students (less than 750) and for those of you who don't know it, the position is totally volunteer (so I don't get paid a penny for the 50-75 hours that I put into the contest). I hesitate to finish this posting and check my contest email account, because I know that more problems will be waiting to be fixed.

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