Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just checking in...

No great pictures to post here. We are simply trying to stay sane while Ray is in Europe this week. The hardest part is Connell's bad allergies and the fact that Children's Claritin doesn't seem to be helping him. In fact, he still claims to be "snorty" much of the night (it wakes him up) and the Claritin almost seems to be having a stimulant effect at night (he sits and plays in his room for an hour or an hour and a half claiming that he is not tired even though the last few days we have been playing outside for 2 hours to wear the kids out!!!!) Connell also had a seemingly dairy allergy reaction at suppertime last night (I haven't seen a true one since last fall -- and nothing he ate had dairy so I really can't put my finger on the cause but had to get out the hydrocortisone cream nonetheless.)

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