Sunday, April 6, 2008

Homemade Game

After walking at the Mall of America on Friday, I let the kids play in the arcade for a while although we didn't buy tokens to spend. Connell fell in love with the Bozo Grand Prize game and was begging to play it so I promised that we would try and replicate the game when we got home. I dug into the stash of ice cream buckets that I kept from years ago and numbered them 10, 20, 30, etc. up to 70. We put 12 plastic golf balls into another bucket and Connell was set! It was more of a combo of the Bozo game and Skee ball, but Connell played it off and on all weekend. Liam tried too, but he only throws overhead and VERY hard. Not only did Liam make a lot of buckets, but he also almost took out the fireplace screen and HDTV with his shots.

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