Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Challenging Project

For some odd reason (perhaps the fact that I have been doing lots of reorganizing of papers and sifting through old files), I got the notion of trying to locate all 20 of the participants on the '92 fall semester study abroad in Rennes, France. We came from all over the U.S. (California, Washington, New York, Wisconsin, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc.) and so it was quite the daunting task to try to locate everyone.

Well, with the help of Facebook, LinkedIn, extensive Google searches and even aid from a few alumni offices, I found all 20 (19 I guess since I am the one to make it 20!) I put lots of information together (pictures, photos, memories) to email to everyone in hopes that everyone emails back a little info regarding the last 16 1/2 years. I will put it all into a document to share with everyone. Grandiose plan I know -- I hope people find it worth their time and they are as curious as I am as far as where life took everyone! The picture above shows the group (minus Marcia who took the photo -- and an addition of the program director Mr. Buckley and Eric the bus driver on the top right -- there are also two native French girls in front of them that we simply assigned to us to help us out -- the remaining 19 in the photo and Marcia who snapped it comprise the 20 people whom I have "virtually reunited". Can you tell that I am the one on the right with the bright green coat and cream scarf?!?!)

But basically that took much of my freetime the last week so I have little to report other than that! We did entertaining this weekend, too which was fun.

The boys are spending their second Tues afternoon at the Apple Valley Community Center program and so I hope that Liam doesn't blow it by going potty in his pull-up (they are supposed to be potty trained to be involved in this program and yet when I signed him up -- he was potty trained -- now he's not anymore!)

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