Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's August already!

That means that within 5-6 weeks, school will start for Connell and preschool for Liam and my church programs will be soon after. Yeah! Although our summer has been unseasonably chilly, I'm still a little sick of just playing outside and going to parks. I need a few organized programs for the kids!

This week I am suffering from a nasty virus that seems to be going around. I came down with it last Wed. and so 6 days into it, the coughing is starting to drive me nuts! Ray just loves being able to leave for work in the morning so that he doesn't have to listen to me hack all day long. I seem to be sleeping pretty well at night and Ray hasn't complained, so that is good news. Any unnecessary screaming or talking irritates my throat and so I have been trying to limit that --- but the boys have caught on and feel like they have more freedom than they should.

Luckily today the boys went to the community center for a 3 hr program so I had a few hours to myself, but I used the time to clean the closet and bake Connell's birthday cake for Thurs. Tonight our neighborhood is taking part in the Night to Unite and so we all will be up later than normal.

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