Thursday, August 6, 2009

And another birthday down...

Upon arrival at the bowling alley, Connell took a nasty spill in the parking lot (all the excitement) and was dripping blood down his leg. Yet he bit the bullet and decided to continue with the bowling adventure!

It was quite interesting and fun as Connell and Liam's bowling balls took minutes (at least it seemed) to get to the end of the alley and often they did not even have the attention span to see the ball make contact with the pins. No one really wanted to wait their turns, but we managed. The Special Olympics adults came in ready to bowl at 4 pm (as we were finishing) and so we got heckled by a few of them. Bumpers and all-- our end scores were Ray-125, Clare-116, Liam-88 and Connell-76. Connell was a little bummed that he was in last place for his own birthday, but Ray reminded him that daddy had to help Liam a little bit and Connell got the 76 all on his own. So now Connell's favorite number is 76!

Then it was off to IHOP and back home for cake and presents. Connell got two board games as presents (is there actually anything else to give him as a present - I mean, really?!??!) and we played for a while together. Notice that I handcrafted everything with a few Dollar Tree and thrift store finds -- the cake and the headband and the trophy to complete the bowling theme birthday. The pins on the headband and cake are actually table bowling sets and as you can see Connell took advantage of them as well!

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