Wednesday, May 13, 2009

'Tis the Season

Here is why I haven't been blogging much lately. We have been spending about 3-4 hours outside most days. The boys love their bikes and their scooters. They play with all the neighbor kids (and there are a LOT of neighbor kids on our block) or by themselves if the kids are at school or gone.

Regarding the bikes -- both of their bikes were Goodwill specials --- $5./ea. Connell is able to ride Liam's without training wheels, but his own is too high and shaky to go without the training wheels for now. We suspect that within a month or so, he'll have mastered his without the training wheels as well. Liam is a great little rider. My greatest source of exercise during the day is to go to a park with the boys and then have them bike while I walk briskly around on the trails. Connell has to periodically wait for me to catch up, but Liam bikes about the same mph that I walk. I suspect we'll be doing lots of that this summer. It's a blessing that the two bikes and two scooters all fit in the back of the Highlander at one time, so I can take all 4 "vehicles" with us when we go somewhere and we can "play it by ear". They are at a fun age now.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

They'll be ready for the MS 150 soon!