Friday, May 29, 2009

Halloween is coming...

Yesterday in the car on the way to his last preschool class session (only his end-of-the-year graduation ceremony and picnic remain), Connell asked me what they will be for Halloween this year. I counted the months and realized that with only 5 months remaining, we better get on that! We brainstormed a little and came up with a great idea --- Connell was all excited about it and actually every member of our family will play a part this year provided that I can find a few thrift store items, do a little creative sewing and do some art as well. Problem is that each boy will have their own Halloween party and without mom and dad in costume and attending as a singleton, each costume won't be quite as cute. But as we all dress up for trick-or-treating in the neighborhood...look out fellow Dupont Path residents for the Hagen family! (well, at least the 8 of you that we will see as we hit our 8 house trick-or-treating limit - ha, ha)

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