Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kids say the funniest things...

So Connell came home from preschool yesterday with two pictures -- one was a person that was supposed to be me and one was of a checkerboard with red and black checkers in the squares (he is obsessed with getting another checker game since he has been careless with the checkers from previous games!) Since they don't normally draw pictures at preschool (their art projects are usually a little more advanced than that), I asked when he drew them. He stated casually, "while I was in time out." So then I was a little agitated and pumping him for information as to why the time out. Finally he gave in and told me the story about his friend Bryce and how the two of them got a little wild and started throwing things across the room at each other. Apparently, Bryce was put in the one corner with books to look at and Connell was put on the other side with paper and markers to draw with. After talking through how wrong this whole situation was and assuming that Connell really internalized everything wrong with the situation, I asked him, "So what did you learn?" He responded, "That I like to draw!" Ugh!

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