Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Simple Update

Last week I had the pleasure of going to Orchestra Hall with Connell's preschool class to the "KinderKonzerts" production. It was very nicely organized.

Tonight it's out with the ladies' night out group --- supper at Carbone's and then to the Marcus Rosemount Theater to see "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past". Sounds like a good "chick flick".

This weekend we have very few plans (or at least I do, but I am sure Ray has his share of work to get done around the house).

Neighbor/friend/colleague Marta and I have planned a trip (ladies' weekend away) for June 26-28 in Lanesboro, MN. It's about a 2 hour drive from here and we plan to see a professional production of "The Rainmaker" at the theatre there, take some tours (trolley tour of Lanesboro, Niagara cave tour) and check out the scenic trails as well as visit some cultural museums and some quaint restaurants, boutiques and the local winery. I was in Lanesboro back in the 80's with my folks and grandparents and I thought it would be a nice change from the hustle and bustle of the Cities. We're staying at a cute place called Brewster's Red Hotel and the pictures on the Lanesboro website alone are getting me excited for the 48 hour trip (we'll leave Fri around 3 pm and return at the same time on Sunday afternoon).

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