Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's the little joys!

After Connell started off so poorly with his swimming lessons about 2 months ago, I had very low expectations. But combined with a big change in his attitude and a few extra practices with daddy at open gym on Sunday afternoons, we are pleased to announce that he passed all the requirements for preschool swim #1 and has been promoted to preschool swim #2. I couldn't be happier for him since this was his first big challenge in life and he managed to work through it. He was all excited to tell me to sign him up for the next session when he got home today.

Unfortunately, the chlorine really dries out his skin so even though he no longer has the dairy allergy, his eczema is worse than ever. We are trying to be diligent in applying Hydrocortisone and Vanicream to help keep him hydrated.

Our other newest joy is the fact that we finally got rid of Liam's pacifier. Granted he was only allowed to have it in his bed from about 1 yr of age and on, but he used it every nap and every night. Last week he started trying to sneak it downstairs and we would reprimand him and tell him to take it back to his room. Well, one night he couldn't find it so he had to go to bed without it. He was a little sad, but no real tears. I found it shortly after he went to bed and disposed of it and that is the end of the pacifier. He does use his limited vocabulary to say, "Buy paci mommy" but I just refuse and he manages just fine.

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