Monday, November 17, 2008

Boys, Boys, Boys

I've been amazed at the energy my boys have had lately -- especially realizing that it is only November 17th and I have a winter to go. But I wanted to post a photo of each since I have been focusing so much on Ray's job search and other problems that I haven't been giving the boys enough press :-)

So here is Connell after finishing his Advent chain for the year. We started this tradition last year and did it both for Advent and Lent. Connell has been begging for weeks to make a new one and so I finally gave in. This year he was able to totally cut all the strips himself and then write the numbers for the dates. He also made a picture that was supposed to resemble a candle on our four Sundays (to remind us to do our candle lighting ceremony) and then I stapled them as he handed them to me. He was so proud that he was able to do everything himself this year. Now he is anxious to start cutting off a link a day, but unfortunately he has to wait 13 days for that!

Here is Liam being goofy and trying to fit into the laundry basket. I was trying to get my laundry folded and put away and he was making things difficult by monopolizing the basket. It was a cute picture though!

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