Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

And that's coming from a family of turkeys - ha, ha!

Ray has still been busy networking and searching for job possibilities. He has an interview on Tuesday the 2nd and then will have a 2nd interview for a different company either later next week or the next.

The biggest excitement for me is this Wednesday's Ladies' Night Out at the roller rink. I haven't roller skated in years although I was pretty good back in the 80s when I went religiously. Ray is afraid that my bones are not as tough now so we are both praying that I don't get hurt. I think that it will be a blast and I will try and get some photos to post here and on Facebook. In the last month I got pretty interested in Facebook and so if there are those of you out there that read my blog and are also on Facebook, feel free to invite me as a friend. I'm listed as Clare Boyce Hagen.

The boys are anxious for Advent to start this weekend. The Advent chain and wreath are ready to go for our prayer services and nightly countdown. I had a "happy mom moment" when making the chain with Connell as I suggested that we put a red and green link at the end of the purple and pink chain because they are Christmas colors. Connell asked me, "What's Christmas? Oh, mom, you mean Jesus' birthday!" I realized that last year Ray and I were both very mindful of trying to call it Jesus' birthday all the time at home to try and compete with the secular Christmas images that are bombarding our society.

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