Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How Life is Changing For Us

And I am not referring to the recent election results. As most of you who read our blog probably already know from other sources, Ray was laid-off Monday from nearly 11 years at ADC Telecommunications. They let approximately 150-160 people go that morning. We had suspected it for a couple of weeks and so luckily we had mentally prepared for it.

However, as we said goodbye that morning, Ray left and I went downstairs to check email when I immediately heard a "waterfall". I ran into the office to see tons of dripping water through the ceiling onto the computer desk. I screamed and panicked and picked up the phone to call Ray on his cell. He was less than a mile away and turned around to come back to deal with the results of the deluge. Turns out that the garbage disposal seal had come off and so all the water that was going into the sink was actually leaking into the cupboard and then down into the ceiling and onto the computer. You might be able to see in the pictures how soaked the ceiling tiles were. I thought it was odd that at about 6:30 that morning I had filled the sink to wash dishes and by the time I turned to wash them, the water was gone. So I refilled the sink. Now you know where 2 full sinks of soapy water ended up -- on the computer.

So we covered everything with a tarp and tried to sponge/mop up much of it and immediately inspected the garbage disposal to find the problem. Ray was here for about an hour and as things got under control and he was about to leave, he got called on his cell from his boss. They were wondering where he was (of course they were wondering because they were trying to lay him off and he wasn't there yet!) So off he went and a few hours later he called with the bad news.

Ray is very positive about the whole situation. He is trying to network and using the Internet to check out prospects. The severance package they gave him is generous although the insurance runs out in December which leaves us having to find a private policy or something. We can't go without insurance with the winter upon us and two little boys not to mention all the allergy concerns with Connell. So we are dealing with the situation although it will take some effort on our part to make sure that boys are experiencing some sense of normalcy and not feeling like they need to take on our family problems. Connell is starting to wonder why Ray is always here when we leave for class, come back, etc.

In addition to the flood and the lay-off, I was very stressed/concerned that the computer would be fried therefore leaving us in a bad position (Ray had to relinquish his computer and cell phone that morning leaving the home phone and computer as his only connection to the job world). Add to that the fact that a neighbor boy accidentally hit Connell in the head with a snow shovel leaving one of the biggest goose eggs that Connell has ever gotten (Liam has had several, but Connell has had few), I thought that the day was never going to end. Connell tried to be positive about things and so when Ray and I looked at each other and asked what other bad things could happen, Connell responded, "an earthquake maybe". That was the brightest moment of the day! We never did get the earthquake luckily and so we are fortunate about that.

Will keep you posted....(oh, but thank God those signed baseballs and Bobbleheads made it though the flood ok! :-) )

1 comment:

Clint Hagen said...

I am sorry to hear of the unfortunate events. I know Ray will land a splendid position and do as great a job there as he did for ADC for such a long time. We'll keep you in our thoughts.