Sunday, November 30, 2008

What a Weekend!

Well, it was a long weekend with very few plans and trying to limit spending any money. We made it I guess. Here are the boys sharing a moment. We also started our Advent wreath ceremony this evening and so you can see Ray and the boys around the candles.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Day recap

We drove up to Annandale (which took us 1 hr 30 mins each direction) to Ray's aunt Nancy's house. Most of that side of the family was able to make it (but not Ray's brother nor sister). Our boys were the only ones in their age group and so they got lots of attention and tore around with lots of energy (as usual). Liam took a special interest in his new baby cousin (2nd cousin) Alaina and was trying to play with her and hold her. She is 5 months now and absolutely adorable. We all enjoyed a nice meal, probably ate too much and had a nice time catching up with family.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

And that's coming from a family of turkeys - ha, ha!

Ray has still been busy networking and searching for job possibilities. He has an interview on Tuesday the 2nd and then will have a 2nd interview for a different company either later next week or the next.

The biggest excitement for me is this Wednesday's Ladies' Night Out at the roller rink. I haven't roller skated in years although I was pretty good back in the 80s when I went religiously. Ray is afraid that my bones are not as tough now so we are both praying that I don't get hurt. I think that it will be a blast and I will try and get some photos to post here and on Facebook. In the last month I got pretty interested in Facebook and so if there are those of you out there that read my blog and are also on Facebook, feel free to invite me as a friend. I'm listed as Clare Boyce Hagen.

The boys are anxious for Advent to start this weekend. The Advent chain and wreath are ready to go for our prayer services and nightly countdown. I had a "happy mom moment" when making the chain with Connell as I suggested that we put a red and green link at the end of the purple and pink chain because they are Christmas colors. Connell asked me, "What's Christmas? Oh, mom, you mean Jesus' birthday!" I realized that last year Ray and I were both very mindful of trying to call it Jesus' birthday all the time at home to try and compete with the secular Christmas images that are bombarding our society.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Well, sorry that I have been so bad in keeping the blog updated. We are busy with preschool, church activities, ECFE classes, etc. Ray is still spending much of the day on the computer looking for a job. He has had a few leads.

Connell and I went to a program that is sponsored by Target and presented by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra this morning. It was about woodwind instruments and he enjoyed the activities and the mini-concert. It was in Apple Valley.

Liam has been his spirited self. He somehow hit one of my wall pictures shattering the glass in it today. I am convinced that by the end of this winter the boys will have wrecked my house. Sigh.

We had parent-teacher conferences with Connell's preschool teacher yesterday. She didn't tell us anything new. It's funny how Connell recently turned four and we already know him so well. When Miss Wendy asked us how we thought Connell was doing, we rattled off the entire speech and she was in hysterics. She said that we know him pretty well! Of course it is no secret that he has trouble sitting still and keeping his attention on the task at hand -- especially at circle time.

Ray is loving his "commute" (ha, ha)! We see him quite a bit during the day (breaks from the computer) and he is actually making some lefse this weekend for fun. It's pretty time-consuming and challenging, but he is up for the challenge given that he isn't working.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Boys, Boys, Boys

I've been amazed at the energy my boys have had lately -- especially realizing that it is only November 17th and I have a winter to go. But I wanted to post a photo of each since I have been focusing so much on Ray's job search and other problems that I haven't been giving the boys enough press :-)

So here is Connell after finishing his Advent chain for the year. We started this tradition last year and did it both for Advent and Lent. Connell has been begging for weeks to make a new one and so I finally gave in. This year he was able to totally cut all the strips himself and then write the numbers for the dates. He also made a picture that was supposed to resemble a candle on our four Sundays (to remind us to do our candle lighting ceremony) and then I stapled them as he handed them to me. He was so proud that he was able to do everything himself this year. Now he is anxious to start cutting off a link a day, but unfortunately he has to wait 13 days for that!

Here is Liam being goofy and trying to fit into the laundry basket. I was trying to get my laundry folded and put away and he was making things difficult by monopolizing the basket. It was a cute picture though!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's the little joys!

After Connell started off so poorly with his swimming lessons about 2 months ago, I had very low expectations. But combined with a big change in his attitude and a few extra practices with daddy at open gym on Sunday afternoons, we are pleased to announce that he passed all the requirements for preschool swim #1 and has been promoted to preschool swim #2. I couldn't be happier for him since this was his first big challenge in life and he managed to work through it. He was all excited to tell me to sign him up for the next session when he got home today.

Unfortunately, the chlorine really dries out his skin so even though he no longer has the dairy allergy, his eczema is worse than ever. We are trying to be diligent in applying Hydrocortisone and Vanicream to help keep him hydrated.

Our other newest joy is the fact that we finally got rid of Liam's pacifier. Granted he was only allowed to have it in his bed from about 1 yr of age and on, but he used it every nap and every night. Last week he started trying to sneak it downstairs and we would reprimand him and tell him to take it back to his room. Well, one night he couldn't find it so he had to go to bed without it. He was a little sad, but no real tears. I found it shortly after he went to bed and disposed of it and that is the end of the pacifier. He does use his limited vocabulary to say, "Buy paci mommy" but I just refuse and he manages just fine.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Grandma's House

Wednesday afternoon we went to Ray's mom's house in North St. Paul. On the way to her place, we stopped at the Xcel Energy Center so that I could turn 4 free vouchers I had won at Stretch and Stroll this past week into tickets for Disney on Ice. We now have 4 lower deck tickets to the performance at 10:30 am on Friday, December 12th and so it might work out well if Ray still is unemployed at that point so that we can attend as a family. Connell is excited to see how well Mickey and Donald can ice skate!

While at Ray's mom's house, the boys played with all the toys and also played ball with her boyfriend, Tom. The three boys also looked at some photos of daddy Ray when he was young. Grandma made a yummy soup for supper and even served ice cream for dessert. We hadn't been up to her place in probably a year or more so it was nice to visit them.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Keeping Warm

The temperature has dropped into the 30s, we have snow on the ground and so we are spending much more time indoors. Ray has been busy looking for a job which is going to be time consuming and draining to say the least. The boys and I are trying to continue with our normal life as much as possible although we know that the boys can sense some of our stress. Here is a cute photo of them although it looks like Connell is strangling Liam!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nothing New

It's only been a week and so of course no job leads yet, but Ray has been busy networking and looking for postings online. You will be happy to know that he isn't just sitting around eating bonbons and watching ESPN! We all four have colds and for me I know that it is because of the stress (and this is my worst cold in more than 2 1/2 years). I have to keep reminding myself that "it was only a job" and that at least we have our health. Something will turn up at some point.

Ray took Connell to swimming lessons and then I get the boys for 2 hours as he attends a Community Ed class to learn how to make lefse. Although we hope it's not true, he said that he might have lots of time on his hands now to make lefse.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How Life is Changing For Us

And I am not referring to the recent election results. As most of you who read our blog probably already know from other sources, Ray was laid-off Monday from nearly 11 years at ADC Telecommunications. They let approximately 150-160 people go that morning. We had suspected it for a couple of weeks and so luckily we had mentally prepared for it.

However, as we said goodbye that morning, Ray left and I went downstairs to check email when I immediately heard a "waterfall". I ran into the office to see tons of dripping water through the ceiling onto the computer desk. I screamed and panicked and picked up the phone to call Ray on his cell. He was less than a mile away and turned around to come back to deal with the results of the deluge. Turns out that the garbage disposal seal had come off and so all the water that was going into the sink was actually leaking into the cupboard and then down into the ceiling and onto the computer. You might be able to see in the pictures how soaked the ceiling tiles were. I thought it was odd that at about 6:30 that morning I had filled the sink to wash dishes and by the time I turned to wash them, the water was gone. So I refilled the sink. Now you know where 2 full sinks of soapy water ended up -- on the computer.

So we covered everything with a tarp and tried to sponge/mop up much of it and immediately inspected the garbage disposal to find the problem. Ray was here for about an hour and as things got under control and he was about to leave, he got called on his cell from his boss. They were wondering where he was (of course they were wondering because they were trying to lay him off and he wasn't there yet!) So off he went and a few hours later he called with the bad news.

Ray is very positive about the whole situation. He is trying to network and using the Internet to check out prospects. The severance package they gave him is generous although the insurance runs out in December which leaves us having to find a private policy or something. We can't go without insurance with the winter upon us and two little boys not to mention all the allergy concerns with Connell. So we are dealing with the situation although it will take some effort on our part to make sure that boys are experiencing some sense of normalcy and not feeling like they need to take on our family problems. Connell is starting to wonder why Ray is always here when we leave for class, come back, etc.

In addition to the flood and the lay-off, I was very stressed/concerned that the computer would be fried therefore leaving us in a bad position (Ray had to relinquish his computer and cell phone that morning leaving the home phone and computer as his only connection to the job world). Add to that the fact that a neighbor boy accidentally hit Connell in the head with a snow shovel leaving one of the biggest goose eggs that Connell has ever gotten (Liam has had several, but Connell has had few), I thought that the day was never going to end. Connell tried to be positive about things and so when Ray and I looked at each other and asked what other bad things could happen, Connell responded, "an earthquake maybe". That was the brightest moment of the day! We never did get the earthquake luckily and so we are fortunate about that.

Will keep you posted....(oh, but thank God those signed baseballs and Bobbleheads made it though the flood ok! :-) )

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Shower for my cousin

I co-hosted a shower for my cousin Kim this afternoon. She is expecting a baby girl in mid-December. Here is a photo of Kim and I and also one of my sister (Neysa), my mom and myself.