Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Illnesses Continue...

I came down with a nasty virus on Friday. It started as a sore throat early that morning and then moved to aches and by noon I was feeling pretty poorly. I had a fever of 101.5 and then I got the chills. I had to call Ray at work as I was simply laying on the living room floor and couldn't even pull myself up to change Liam's diaper or anything (the boys just had free rein of the house) -- that is how weak and how achy my muscles were. Ray came home and I spent the next 4 hours in bed -- napping a little here and there. I was in so much pain that I really couldn't sleep that night and so I was down on the couch from midnight until 4:30 am with the tv on and napping a little here and there between sipping Gatorade (which I thought would help with the aches and weakness). Yesterday I felt a little better but not back to normal. Today I am much better, but now I have a cough with the sore throat. Ray seems to have gotten the virus as well although not as severe. Luckily it was staggered so that we each could help with the boys when we weren't feeling terrible. The boys are just getting over their pink eye and Liam's double ear infection so we really don't want them to catch this virus either. So that is what is new at the Hagen household!

1 comment:

Clint Hagen said...

I hope you all get better soon!