Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Eye Problems -- Major Bummer!

Yesterday afternoon while playing, I noticed some greenish stuff in the corner of Connell's eyes. I wiped it away not thinking much of it. A few minutes later there was more gunk! Then I noticed that he was rubbing his eyes and finally it dawned on me that he probably had an infection. When Ray got home, he took him to the Minute Clinic at the neighboring CVS Pharmacy to find out that he has bacterial conjunctivitis (bacterial pink eye). He got a prescription for antibiotic eye drops immediately which we started last night. Since he can't go to school for 24 hours, he is missing his "beach party" at school today. He is really disappointed and I can tell that he is like me in that it really gets him down to be sick and have to miss things. So I had him put on his sunglasses from his beach outfit so that I could at least put a photo on the blog even if he can't make it to the party. I told him that he really needs to get well so that both he and I can go on his next preschool field trip this Thursday to Underwater Adventures at the Mall of America (I am chaperoning for the first time!) That helps to motivate him to tolerate the drops.

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