Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mini Golf Champ!!!!

We had Ladies' Night Out last evening. 5 of us started by playing a round of mini golf at the Moose Mountain Adventures at the Mall of America. In retrospect I think we should have kept a running total throughout the game because somehow I shot a 53 with Monique close behind at 55 and ended up winning. Katie, Vicki and Jennifer were all somewhere in the 60s I believe. To my fellow Ladies' Night Out friends who are reading this blog...I suppose you will be accusing me of cheating since I was keeping the score for most of the game. However, do you really think that I wanted to bring this hideous trophy that I made back home with me?!?!? (the base is from a soccer trophy from the Unique Thrift Store, the brown golf cup was from the Hastings Dollar Store, the grass is leftover from making my boys' Easter baskets, the golf tee was donated by Ray and the golf ball is the plastic one from Connell and Liam's golf set that hopefully they wouldn't have noticed had gone missing -- I also took the time to get the font and everything lined up for the new name plate - whew!) So it's back in the Hagen household and when I explained to the boys that I won last night, Connell was very happy for me and Liam snapped the tee and golf ball right off the trophy! So ladies...if we have a repeat tourney next year and use this as the traveling trophy, I will have to reconstruct the trophy thanks to Liam.

After the exhausting golf game, we met 3 more of the ladies (8 of us total) at the Kokomo Island Cafe where we did an activity related to "Best.." and "Most..." which was very interesting. For instance, I was voted by the rest of the group as "Biggest Coupon Clipper", "Thriftiest" and "Most Motherly to the Others -- Biggest Advice Giver". We had people voted as "Most Artistic", "Cutest" and "Most Patient with Her Children" (I am not sure why I wasn't voted for that one?!?!?!?)-- you get the idea. Except for the fact that a drunk sitting at the bar behind us wouldn't leave us alone, we had a fun time.

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