Monday, August 16, 2010

Birthday and Reunion Weekend

Friday the 13th started off with a bang! Liam was up much of the night vomiting (a stomach bug?) and there was a terrible storm. We lost power for an hour which is the first time since we have lived here (9 1/2 yrs). So we all had little sleep and so I spent the day watching Liam sleeping on the couch!

After taking Connell to his 1st grade assessment, I headed to Owatonna for my 20 yr class reunion. I went out with a few classmates first and then off to the Eagles. There were about 75-80 classmates total (and then many brought guests) but even though I had stayed until 11:30pm, I still missed 2 classmates that didn't show up until after I left! The music was way too loud and people were having way too much to drink and so it wasn't exactly my favorite reunion gathering. But it was nice catching up with some people I hadn't seen in many years.

Today I have an informal meeting with the other Spanish teachers at school while neighbor Sara takes the boys for me. Next week I start in with new teacher workshops (since I still need to learn all the computer programs and get all updated information about everything). The following week is regular workshops. So the countdown is on...

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