Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to real life

It's Friday of the first week back at work for me. Actually I only had to work mornings this week (new teacher workshops) and although I spent many more hours fixing up my classroom, I did get some time to relax without the boys. The boys spent each day this week 7-4 at their new daycare. They seemed to do fairly well, except yesterday Liam's teacher said that he spent the morning being very sad and missing mommy. We think it was simply because the thrill and newness finally wore off and he realized that he would be going there every day. I think he eats very little there simply because he is fussy and stubborn and so that plays into his mood. Both boys are ravenous when they get home and so our food schedule is very off! Next week I will be working M-Th 7-3 and so my days will be pretty full, so I hope they do well. Then school starts, Connell will only go to daycare for an hour before and after school and I will pray for a healthy year for everyone! (fingers crossed)

As far as my work is concerned...I am slowly readjusting. My classroom is shaping up, I am starting to figure out some of the computer programs and my colleague Tracy came in for a few hours specifically to help me out. I have some good workshops on my schedule for next week and am especially looking forward to the Interwrite training (that is the version of a Smartboard that I have in my room and have no idea how to use!) We also are being trained on Moodle -- and I'm not even sure what that is. I'm planning on using a forum for my pen pal project and combined with everything "going through the computer" (no overhead transparencies) I expect to be pretty tech savvy soon!

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