Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to real life

It's Friday of the first week back at work for me. Actually I only had to work mornings this week (new teacher workshops) and although I spent many more hours fixing up my classroom, I did get some time to relax without the boys. The boys spent each day this week 7-4 at their new daycare. They seemed to do fairly well, except yesterday Liam's teacher said that he spent the morning being very sad and missing mommy. We think it was simply because the thrill and newness finally wore off and he realized that he would be going there every day. I think he eats very little there simply because he is fussy and stubborn and so that plays into his mood. Both boys are ravenous when they get home and so our food schedule is very off! Next week I will be working M-Th 7-3 and so my days will be pretty full, so I hope they do well. Then school starts, Connell will only go to daycare for an hour before and after school and I will pray for a healthy year for everyone! (fingers crossed)

As far as my work is concerned...I am slowly readjusting. My classroom is shaping up, I am starting to figure out some of the computer programs and my colleague Tracy came in for a few hours specifically to help me out. I have some good workshops on my schedule for next week and am especially looking forward to the Interwrite training (that is the version of a Smartboard that I have in my room and have no idea how to use!) We also are being trained on Moodle -- and I'm not even sure what that is. I'm planning on using a forum for my pen pal project and combined with everything "going through the computer" (no overhead transparencies) I expect to be pretty tech savvy soon!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The time has come...

It's been more than 2260 days that I have been home -- out of the teaching realm -- mostly taking care of the boys. It all comes to an end tomorrow as I go back to work. New teacher workshops begin and the boys will spend their first day at New Horizons. We're all a little nervous about everything coming together, but I'm sure it will. Correcting papers, creating lesson plans, packing lunches, making supper, etc. etc. etc. For the first two weeks while workshops are taking place, things will be a little relaxed so I am glad that I get the chance to ease back into the teaching world. Will keep you posted. I suspect that my blog posts will be "fewer and farther between" since I won't have as many "noteworthy" things to report.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Birthday and Reunion Weekend

Friday the 13th started off with a bang! Liam was up much of the night vomiting (a stomach bug?) and there was a terrible storm. We lost power for an hour which is the first time since we have lived here (9 1/2 yrs). So we all had little sleep and so I spent the day watching Liam sleeping on the couch!

After taking Connell to his 1st grade assessment, I headed to Owatonna for my 20 yr class reunion. I went out with a few classmates first and then off to the Eagles. There were about 75-80 classmates total (and then many brought guests) but even though I had stayed until 11:30pm, I still missed 2 classmates that didn't show up until after I left! The music was way too loud and people were having way too much to drink and so it wasn't exactly my favorite reunion gathering. But it was nice catching up with some people I hadn't seen in many years.

Today I have an informal meeting with the other Spanish teachers at school while neighbor Sara takes the boys for me. Next week I start in with new teacher workshops (since I still need to learn all the computer programs and get all updated information about everything). The following week is regular workshops. So the countdown is on...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dressed to impress...

Ray and I went to the wedding of a former co-worker of his last Saturday while Ray's mom babysat the boys. Here is a photo of Ray and I all dressed up for the occasion. We rarely dress up, so we figured it was "blog-worthy".

Connell's 6th Birthday

Friday we celebrated Connell's 6th birthday. Ray took off at noon from work and we went mini golfing in Bloomington. It was fun. Then we grabbed a bite at Burger King and had cake at home. Connell received all Pokemon cards for his birthday -- so he was thrilled since it is still his latest obsession. I even bought Pokemon wrapping paper to use for the gifts and then Pokemon plates/napkins/party hats and cake picks as well! We kept it pretty simple as we always do for birthdays.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Busy week...

Last week was zoo camp for both boys every morning and since they had different drop-off times, I was at the zoo three times every morning! Liam loved it; Connell was indifferent. Both studied ocean life in their respective classes. For some reason their behavior each afternoon was awful -- both inside and out. There were lots of fights, broken items, headaches, etc. Luckily, by Friday it seemed to get better in time for the weekend.

This week Connell has a morning chess camp. I was able to get into the district office to get my ID, paperwork filled out and to get an idea of my transition back to work. There isn't much I can do until the week of August 23rd when I will be given my keys and computer, etc. and can actually attend some informational workshops and work on preparing my classroom.

I also volunteered to compile an updated list of OHS class of 1990 alumni and so currently I am organizing their whereabouts and combining to distribute. Hopefully we have a good participation rate in providing information. Next weekend (the 13th/14th) is the reunion and so I hope to get it out to everyone before the festivities.