Friday, February 12, 2010

Why, yes of course...

I am going for "Mother of the Year", thanks for asking!

My boys love me today. I let them play with what we affectionately call "goop" after a long hiatus (like years of avoiding the stuff!). It is simply a combo of corn starch and water and it feels oh so slimy through your fingers. I give them each a nice pie tin of the stuff and let them play. As you can see from the photo, Liam had a blast! Connell quit early.

The reason I decided to give in today -- we have been almost housebound the entire week as Connell nurses a terrible cough. He has been sick since Jan 30th and although I took him in, it appears he has nothing serious. He has a lot to learn about getting the phlegm up and out and so it lingers and lingers much to our dismay. So being housebound everything is in shambles and so I figured what harm could a little goop do?!? Well, despite Liam's urge to pour it all over the table and floor, in a few hours all of the water will evaporate and I can simply sweep up the remaining powder. Thank you science!

Oh, and we did some recent touring of daycares and luckily Ray was able to sense his way through (3 to be exact) and come up with a place that we all can be happy with -- New Horizons. I am a thinker and so therefore not very helpful in the search (except for analyzing the facts about all three places). So we plan to enroll the boys there mid-August in order for me to attend teacher workshops and then Connell will continue in the before and after school program as Liam continues fulltime. Will keep you posted...

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