Thursday, February 25, 2010

A month of illness

Well, we are just about to end February this weekend and Connell is still sick. He came down with this virus on Jan 30th and this past weekend Ray took him in again (since it had been 10 days since we last took him in and he was getting worse). After a thorough exam including a chest x-ray, it was again determined that he probably had a glorified cold (even though it was day #22 at that point). The coughing (especially at night, but also including some terrible daytime coughing fits) has really been painful to listen to. They did give some medicine that would be used if one had pneumonia just in case it might work (and to appease us). Well, today is day #27 and although the cough has lessened, he still has it. And now Ray and I both have a cold/cough to boot! Yikes - this winter has been pretty bad for illness for our family I'm afraid. Today the wind chill is again below zero, so it's hard to feel great while walking to the bus stop and coughing and breathing the bitterly cold air. But I am going to just think that spring is around the corner and so hopefully we can get to the warmer weather with our sanity!

1 comment:

Penny said...

I hope you guys feel better soon!