Monday, February 1, 2010

To catch you up...

It appears that it has been a while since I posted. Life here is somewhat mundane which is why I haven't been posting much.

Both boys currently have colds -- Connell's first for the academic year; Liam's second. They spent much of the weekend indoors and relaxing, but you know how well my boys relax! They both went to school today and did ok, but I still think that it will take a few days to get over them.

The boys also started swimming lessons again last weekend (I like to point out that they typically go from cold to cold while in swimming lessons, but Ray refutes that theory even though for this year it has proved me right so far!) They love swimming although they are only in level 1 at this point (after taking preschool classes, etc.)

It's hard to believe that it is February already -- which means in 7 months I will be back at work. We have been checking out daycares and have it narrowed to two. We will be visiting both on the same morning in mid-February and will let you know which we go with. One of them is the All Stars Montessori School and the other is New Horizons Academy both in Apple Valley. Since my only option the first year back will be to have fulltime care for Liam in addition to both before and after care for Connell, we needed to pick a place that has busing to his elementary school. Both of these places have access to buses to the school and provide school age childcare. Ray is convinced that upon visiting he will instantly know at which one he sees Liam spending his days. I am more of a "thinker" than a "feeler" (Meyers-Briggs!!!) so I probably would base my decision more on cost, convenience, etc. rather than visiting so I will let him make the final decision this time. They are within a mile of each other and both rather close to our house, so it's pretty even. The cost differs quite a bit, but we would rather pay more for a "more content" Liam! Liam is our spirited child who has had a history of stranger/separation anxiety and is "slow to warm" when adjusting to a new place, so that might play into the decision. Who knew I could write a whole paragraph on daycares?!?!?

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