Monday, December 14, 2009

Weekend Recap

Luckily the snowy weather took a short break for the weekend to allow us to make the 2 1/4 hour drive to Little Falls for Christmas with Ray's dad and wife. It was a fun afternoon. The boys had fun playing games and playing with their new toys. Liam got a GeoTrax portable track and train and Connell got Othello and Battleship. It was nice to see everyone. Ray's grandma Hagen came with aunt Sheila and her husband and so it was a nice size group.

Yesterday afternoon the three males put up the Christmas tree while I paged through hundreds and hundreds of Connell's paper scraps from the last year trying to decide what was worth keeping and what needed to be recycled or thrown out. Connell is the "king of paper" in developing his own games and somehow there are scraps all over the house. We had been throwing them in a bin when people came over just to get them all out of sight and so it took HOURS to sift through them all. Of course Connell didn't want to part with any of them. There were also about 10 partial decks of cards in the mess from which I was able to create 2 full decks. Argh. Someday I have to go through our real paperwork to figure out what to shred or keep and yet just keeping up with Connell's paperwork is nearly a fulltime job.

This week is quite full with Ladies' Night Out, several church programs and meetings at church, ECFE, last-minute Christmas prep, etc.

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