Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Well, I better get everyone caught up to speed now.

Thanksgiving was spent in Annandale at Ray's aunt and uncle's house and the word was that there were more than 25 people there. The next youngest cousin is in 5th grade so my kids were really in the minority and everyone doted on them. It gave me a chance to sit back and relax and enjoy the silence! On the 90 minute car ride both up and back, the boys caught a movie on the new DVD system Ray purchased for the car.

After Thanksgiving, I spent many hours finalizing my part of a presentation for my Catholic Parents church group that I presented this morning (Tues. the 1st). I co-presented with an elder in the parish and we spoke about the Catholic Liturgical Year. Her main focus was to have historical info about how the feast came to be and I supplemented with tangible ideas and topics to use with young children. We were given about 75 minutes to present and we went a little over. We rushed through many parts and so really I see the entire presentation lasting 2 hours (with a break in the middle) when done properly. It was organized and was well-received. Whew. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief. If nothing else, it is preparing me for getting back into teaching full days!

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