Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bring on the cold...

I picked up a pair of double-bladed ice skates for Liam (or Connell -- although I think they are too small for Connell) the other day at the thrift store. They were about $2.50 and white and so I bought a bottle of leather dye and dyed them black so that they looked like boys' skates. We have another pair from last year although those don't have the double-blades on them. I'm not sure that ice skating will be anyone's calling in the family (I was pretty good in my day although I think my skates need some serious sharpening before I try them this year).

Right now it is snowing here and there are 7-10 inches expected here by early tomorrow. I wouldn't mind except that I have a dentist appointment in the morning to get to (and I was counting on both boys having school as planned on schedule to be able to go to the appointment alone). I might need to count on a neighbor to take the kids for an hour if there are any changes in the school schedule because it would be hard to reschedule my appointment.

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