Friday, June 12, 2009

Summary of Week

This week in addition to celebrating Liam's birthday (and I use the word "celebrating" loosely!), we also played with lots of friends, went to the MN zoo and had well child visits with the doctor. Both boys are in great health and Connell is all caught up with his pre-K immunizations after 4 shots on Wed. After the dr. appt. I took the kids to the Mall of America where we hadn't been for about 6 months and let them each spend 10 tokens at the arcade. It was a treat and since Connell was very worried about his shots, I used thoughts of the arcade to keep his mind off of the shots for the few days prior. He ended up being very brave though and said, "That wasn't so bad and I actually kind of like going to the doctor. You wanna know what my favorite part is? The scale. And I also like..." The monologue goes on and on, but I'll stop there.

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