Monday, June 29, 2009

Back from Lanesboro

I'm back from my trip to Lanesboro with Marta. We left at about 3:15 Friday afternoon and got to Lanesboro about 5 pm. We checked into the hotel (pictured -- the red building) and then checked out a 50's style hamburger joint for supper. We caught a 7:30 professional production of "The Rainmaker" at the Commonweal Theater in town. It was excellent! Then back to the hotel for the night.

Saturday morning we started with coffee at a little shop as we waited for things to open. We took a 10 am trolley tour of town seeing all the sites including the fish hatchery and various parts of the river (dam, bridges) and remnants of Lanesboro's past industries as well as ones still in existence. Later that day we checked out the farmer's market, the historical museum, the arts center, the winery as well as many cute shops. We also put on our tennis shoes and walked about 2+ miles along the Root River Trail (trying to dodge all the cyclists as we did!) We went to Mass at St. Patrick's Catholic Church located high on the hill (wow - we were sure winded by the time we got up there!) Then we had a nice dinner with wine at the Riverside on the Root Restaurant (walleye for both of us). An ice cream cone for dessert and we headed back to the hotel for the night.

Sunday morn after some coffee, we headed south of Harmony to tour the Niagara Cave. We would have enjoyed it more if we hadn't been paired up with a family of four including 2 young boys each within a month of my boys' ages! They were very poorly behaved (were touching things they weren't supposed to and running way out in front) and so both Marta and I were annoyed with the lax parents. That was exactly the reason that I chose to go to Lanesboro/Harmony with Marta instead of with my boys!

We left Harmony about 11 am and stopped in Rochester for lunch at Panera before arriving back in Apple Valley during the early afternoon.

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