Monday, June 8, 2009

Liam's Birthday

As most of you know, we do not have "parties" for the boys' birthdays. We started the tradition of letting them choose to do something as a family. Connell has been talking for a year about how the family is going to go bowling (his first time) for his 5th birthday this summer and yet he still has two months to decide if we will go to Apple Place or AMF or even the new Lakeville place to bowl. Big decision.

Liam's 3rd birthday is today and so for weeks he has requested that Marta, Brian, Natalie and Maria (actually for a few days he wasn't including Maria, so we are happy that he finally gave in and decided to let her come with her mom/dad and sister! - ha, ha) come over to eat cake and ice cream with our family. I know that it borders on sounding like a party, but even Connell would prod Liam by saying, "Are you sure you don't want to play mini-golf at the mall?" or "Don't you want to go to Chuck E Cheese's?" and Liam always came back with a crisp, "No! I eat cake and ice cream with Marta and Brian...!"

I made a cake and since it was one of the few inexpensive themes available, I picked up some pirate things (I think Liam's first real conversation sounded something like this... Mom or dad..."What does a pirate say?" Liam..."Arrrrrrrrrrr!) The little sign I made for the cake says, "Arrrrrrrrr you really 3 years old, Liam?" Get it? I don't think Liam will enjoy the humor....

We'll have some pizza first since it would feel a little quick to simply have a 10 minute cake/ice cream event! Can't beat the cost of a homemade cake and a few Dollar Store pirate finds --- although the important part is that we are celebrating as a family. I'm afraid that next year his desires might become a little grandiose though!

His speech has progressed a little, but not as fast as Connell's did. So Liam now is excited that he is "free" today as he holds up FOUR fingers!

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